Which Owl and Bear posts got the most clicks in 2012? Continue reading…
Tag Archives: wilco
Wilco Archive Update: December 2012
Wishing all Owl and Bear readers, Wilco fans, and everyone else a safe and healthy holiday and a happy new year. Continue reading…
The Owl and Bear Podcast vol. 172: Election Day Celebration and/or Therapy Edition
Album Review: Dr. John – ‘Locked Down’
This review is a little late coming. Locked Down, the latest album from Dr. John, has likely sat dusty on the shelves of many a record store without receiving the traction it deserves. In an ideal world — at least, in my ideal world — convertibles would rip through the summertime blasting “Revolution” instead of the illiterate sounds of modern pop, though I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Continue reading…
Poetic Memory: The Howls (List)
MP3: The Howls – “Revival”
MP3: The Howls – “Rocky Ground”
San Diego’s The Howls have only been around for a few years, but their reputation already precedes them. Continue reading…