Tag Archives: WALL-E

The Pipettes vs. The Pipettes

How many pieces can you replace on something before it loses its essence? Whether it’s EVE rebuilding a damaged WALL-E from scrap, or my own quest to restore my Jeep after some rascally car thieves stripped it for parts, the question persists: just how much addition and subtraction can something withstand before it becomes something else entirely?

That’s a concern that’s plagued The Pipettes in recent years. The UK trio made a big splash in Europe and Asia with 2006’s chart-topping We Are The Pipettes, a delightful collection of catchy, girl group-inspired pop with a winking, post-feminist twist. Thanks to unforgettable singles like “Pull Shapes” and “Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me,” the record established the steely Gwenno, the demure Rosay, and the prickly RiotBecki as worthy carriers of the Phil Spector torch. Continue reading…