A large, cake-starved crowd turned out at the Casbah on Sunday to see Chicago indie-rock staples The Sea and Cake. Continue reading

A large, cake-starved crowd turned out at the Casbah on Sunday to see Chicago indie-rock staples The Sea and Cake. Continue reading
Austin quartet White Denim released D, their fifth studio album in May; now, they’ve announced plans to release an EP, Takes Place in Your Workspace on October 25.
The experimental indie band has been compared to the Minutemen and Randy Newman (yes, both), and is known for infusing anything from punk to funk to piano ballads into their songs. White Denim has wowed crowds across the ‘States and abroad, even catching the ear of Jack White, who invited them to record a live LP at Third Man Records in Nashville.
To prep yourself for the show, check the above video for their 60’s rock-inspired single “Drug,” from D. After that, scroll down to read singer/guitarist James Petralli’s Poetic Memory. White Denim will play House of Blues on October 26. Continue reading…
MP3: Tortoise – “Prepare Your Coffin”
Hot on the heels of dropping their first record in five years, re-releasing a bunch of classic albums on vinyl, and (just last week) bringing a newborn track into this world, Tortoise have hit the road. And this time (unlike last time), they’ll stop in sunny San Diego. Continue reading…
Chicago post-rockers Tortoise are just like the animal that their moniker invokes. Well, not exactly like it; I’ve never seen a tortoise perform a killer instrumental post-rock song, though I wouldn’t mind seeing one try. Rather, it is the band’s unbelievable staying power that makes them so much like the long-lived reptile.
I’d be willing to bet that most fans of indie rock today were just discovering the wonders of puberty when Tortoise’s 1994 debut laid the groundwork for a career that would see the band become one of the most important post-rock acts ever.
Fast-forward sixteen years to Mr. Smalls Theater in Pittsburgh, PA. Considering that the show was on a Wednesday night, the turnout was decent. I really can’t think of a better place to see Tortoise, besides maybe the moon or inside a spaceship. Mr. Smalls is an old cathedral church retrofitted into an amazing music venue. The acoustics are amazing—every plucked string, tapped hi-hat, and stroked key fills the space with beauty. Continue reading
Our favorite Chicago post rockers are back with a new video and news of a winter tour. Continue reading