The Young Sinclairs just released The Songs of the Young Sinclairs, and with May on the way, their 1960s-influenced indie-folk promises to be the ideal companion to your summer chillaxation.
We have three vinyl pressings of the LP cooling on the O&B windowsill, and we’re giving them away to our loyal readers for — wait for it — free. And with three copies to give away, you’d be a fool not to enter. All fools at peace with their foolishness, but who still like good, free music, can also enter. You’re practically guaranteed* a copy.
If you’re unfamiliar with the sound of The Young Sinclairs, check out “Tribe” (MP3) from The Songs of the Young Sinclairs.
To enter this contest, just comment below and include your email address in the form (your email won’t be visible to the public). The lucky winners will be chosen at random on May 10, 2010.
*Actual odds of winning rest comfortably between “you’re practically guaranteed a copy ” and 1:ten duotrigintillion.