New Orleans, with its rich cultural legacy, is legendary for its role as a musical melting pot — and Troy Andrews, a.k.a. Trombone Shorty, is one of his city’s best ambassadors. Continue reading…
New Orleans, with its rich cultural legacy, is legendary for its role as a musical melting pot — and Troy Andrews, a.k.a. Trombone Shorty, is one of his city’s best ambassadors. Continue reading…
Anna Ternheim recently won Swedish Grammys for “Album of the year” and “Female artist of the year,” and she just released the Bjorn Yttling (of Peter, Bjorn, and John)-produced Leaving on a Mayday on August 11, 2009. Ternheim’s lyrical confidence and directness make he songs particularly refreshing in a climate often dominated by bands looking for someone else’s sound. For a sample of her style, check out this MP3 of “What Have I Done?”
Ternheim is currently finishing up a North American tour, with four nights on the eastern seaboard through this Saturday. See below for her Poetic Memory and tour details. Continue reading