No matter who you are or where you come from, Fun Fun Fun Fest is the music festival that gives you just what you need. Continue reading…
No matter who you are or where you come from, Fun Fun Fun Fest is the music festival that gives you just what you need. Continue reading…
It’s safe to say that the summer festival has gone mainstream. With the Coachellas, Bonnaroos, and Sasquatches of the world selling out in record time, tickets to these highly anticipated festivals are becoming increasingly hard to come by. (Whether scalping has something to do with it is another subject entirely.)
And that’s why UCSD’s Sun God festival — taking place this Friday on the university’s campus — is such a welcome alternative: the day of music and festivities is only open to students and their invited friends. That means no scalping, boho-clad celebrities, or lingering $300 charges that take months to pay off. Continue reading…
Since taking the city by storm with their debut release, 2007’s Humanimals, San Diego dance-funk band Grand Ole Party has kept plenty busy. They’ve played back-to-back sold out shows at the Casbah, thrilling audiences with their syncopated sass. Lead singer Kristin Gundred started her own label, Zoo Music, and signed bands like Crocodiles and Dum Dum Girls. The band has also been hard at work in the studio, recording their eagerly awaited follow-up to Humanimals.
But since nothing is ever enough for you people, the band hasn’t stopped there. The trio has lined up a Midwest tour where they’ll be opening up for a little band called Yeah Yeah Yeahs. You may have heard of them. Continue reading
Owl and Bear’s list of albums that almost made the cut in 2008.
Note: Photos in this essay depict re-enactments of actual events, not the events themselves.
Thursday, July 12
McCaskill picked me up at my folks’ house at 9PM. We weren’t planning to leave Jackson until about 1 or 2AM, but we’d decided to hang out a while and say goodbyes because, naturally, we may never come back.
Instead of going to the bar, for obvious reasons, we opted for dinner. Regardless, as with alcohol, we are both bottomless pits for food. The meal was uneventful, save for the fact that our waitress had apparently served McCaskill once before, and had taken offense to a conversation about foreskins. Despite this, the food was palatable and (hopefully) spit-free.