A Cloud Cult show feels more like the product of an art collective than that of a band. The group is led by affable singer/guitarist Craig Minowa, whose Earthology Records is equal parts record label and environmental organization. The band also includes Minowa’s wife Connie and artist Scott West, each of whom completes an original painting on stage during the set. Watching all eight members perform, it quickly becomes clear that they have more than just music on their minds. Continue reading…
Cloud Cult are nothing if not prolific. The Minnesota band just finished up their eighth studio album, Light Chasers, which is set to hit stores on September 14th.
Light Chasers picks up right where Owl and Bear favoriteFeel Good Ghosts (Tea-Partying Through Tornadoes) left off, exploring the relationship between the human experience and the unknown. Frontman Craig Minowa took some time out from tea-partying through tornadoes to talk to us about loss, the environment, and what the band has in store for us in the future. Continue reading…