Delta Spirit were originally scheduled to play the House of Blues at the end of October with FIDLAR, but due to unknown circumstances, FIDLAR left the tour and The Growlers took their place for a belated show last Tuesday. Continue reading…
Delta Spirit were originally scheduled to play the House of Blues at the end of October with FIDLAR, but due to unknown circumstances, FIDLAR left the tour and The Growlers took their place for a belated show last Tuesday. Continue reading…
This review is a little late coming. Locked Down, the latest album from Dr. John, has likely sat dusty on the shelves of many a record store without receiving the traction it deserves. In an ideal world — at least, in my ideal world — convertibles would rip through the summertime blasting “Revolution” instead of the illiterate sounds of modern pop, though I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Continue reading…