On Saturday, March 9, Bad Religion brought their True North tour to San Diego’s SOMA. Continue reading…
On Saturday, March 9, Bad Religion brought their True North tour to San Diego’s SOMA. Continue reading…
If there is one indisputable fact about last night’s Cee-Lo Green show, it’s that everyone was happy to be there.
Be it openers The Nervous Wreckords, who were thrilled to play a packed house, or Vokab Kompany, who earnestly believed that their performance might attract crossover fans, or Cee-Lo himself, who may have confessed to being high on ecstasy (“My nipples are half-erect!”), the performers were all elated in their own ways. The audience, too, didn’t seem to think there was a better place on Earth to be, despite the crazy melting pot of spastic dancers, drunk-as-fuck frat boys, tarted-up Gaslamp girls, and a handful of out-of-place indie fans. Continue reading…