Well, there’s no two ways about it — we all love Bill Murray. Continue reading…

Well, there’s no two ways about it — we all love Bill Murray. Continue reading…
Friday in Hall H had little to do with comics, but these days at Comic-Con, that’s more rule than exception. Continue reading…
Ah, Comic-Con. This year’s inexplicably hyphenated gathering of geeks and gawkers has come to an end, leaving San Diegans feeling hungover, used, and sore in strange places. This was my first crack at the convention, and I went (almost) all in. Continue reading…
Die Hardererer (Bootleg Edition) by Nicholas Chatfield-Taylor from Nicholas Chatfield-Taylor on Vimeo.
Because you never asked for it, here are Die Hard, Die Hard 2: Die Harder, Die Hard with a Vengeance, and Live Free or Die Hard edited down to only the frames containing fire.