Tag Archives: brian eno

Poetic Memory: Luke Rathborne (List)

MP3: Luke Rathborne – “I Can Be One”
MP3: Luke Rathborne – “You Let Me In”
MP3: Mrs. Magician – “Tabloids”
Like clockwork, the Rumble— the monthly musical roadshow that takes place in nine U.S. cities every month — returns to San Diego’s Bar Pink tomorrow.
This month’s event features San Diego surf popsters Mrs. Magician, sludgy shoegazers Colony, and superb singer/songwriter Luke Rathborne. (DJs Pet Rock and Rob Dylan will spin vinyl between sets.)
We at O&B are especially excited to see Luke Rathborne, whose The Dog Years and I Can Be One EPs show a songwriter with a true artistic vision — one that (unlike many of his peers) is not overly fixated on the meaning of life, but about telling its stories.
In anticipation of the show, we asked Mr. Rathborne to provide us with a list of influences. He kindly obliged, and you may find his “10 favorite records of 1977” below. Continue reading…
Poetic Memory: The Wealthy West (List)

MP3: The Wealthy West – “Love Is Not Enough”
“Love is not enough
But if singing about it’s what you want
Then la-di-da, la-di-da, la-di-da
There you go.”
So goes the sardonic chorus of “Love Is Not Enough,” the opening track off The Wealthy West‘s Volume 1 EP. It’s a dazzling introduction to Austin musician Brandon Kinder and the various elements — acoustic twang, piercing melodies, and a world-weariness undercut by tongue-in-cheek humor — that make his music so distinctive.
Every song on Volume 1 is a home run, from the steadfast “Give Me Resurrection” to the forlorn “Home.” Its unrelenting quality and minimalist, down-home charm make the 5-song tour de force reminiscent of — and every bit as good as — The Avett Brothers’ Gleam EPs.
We spoke with Kinder — who also fronts the band The Rocketboys — about where he gets the inspiration to write such beautiful songs. Let’s just say his answers, which included everything from cheese dip to Jim Carrey, weren’t quite what we were expecting. You can check out his Poetic Memory below. Continue reading…
Contest: Win Shapes of Future Frames’ New 7-Inch

Don’t let the name fool you — Shapes of Future Frames are a band whose time is now, and interest should only grow after they throw their release party at the Tin Can Ale House on Saturday, July 10th. For your chance to win a copy of the new record, keep reading. Continue reading
Interview: Shapes of Future Frames
Shapes of Future Frames may be a new band, but their faces are familiar. Featuring members of local powerhouses Scarlet Symphony and the Old In Out, the band’s epic arrangements and space-age guitar effects have already earned them a reputation as one of San Diego’s most exciting and innovative live acts.
The group recently finished recording their debut EP, The Minds of Tomorrow, Gone Today, and we caught up with band members Jamie Pawloski and Gary Hankins to talk about the record, the importance of brevity, and what an acoustic Shapes might sound like. Continue reading