Pitchfork Music Festival 2007 (II)

Note: Photos in this essay depict re-enactments of actual events, not the events themselves.

Thursday, July 12
McCaskill picked me up at my folks’ house at 9PM. We weren’t planning to leave Jackson until about 1 or 2AM, but we’d decided to hang out a while and say goodbyes because, naturally, we may never come back.

Instead of going to the bar, for obvious reasons, we opted for dinner. Regardless, as with alcohol, we are both bottomless pits for food. The meal was uneventful, save for the fact that our waitress had apparently served McCaskill once before, and had taken offense to a conversation about foreskins. Despite this, the food was palatable and (hopefully) spit-free.

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Interview: Girl Talk

Photo credit: Paul Sobota

Back in 2007, we talked to mashup mastermind Gregg Gillis about the origins of Girl Talk, his influences, and (naturally) Three Doors Down. You can download Girl Talk’s latest album, All Day, at Gregg Gillis’ official site. Girl Talk will perform at San Diego’s Soma on March 22. The interview is below…

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