I’m Not There kind of depends on the fact that any straightforward Bob Dylan biopic wouldn’t live up to expectations, and director Todd Haynes has lovingly exploited that fact by making a film so deliberately obtuse that it’s hard to actually criticize.
Review: Iron & Wine and Califone, November 27, 2007 at 4th & B
After a hassle with misappropriated tickets and a trip back to the car to return what is apparently my “professional rig” camera, we got into 4th and B, got drinks, and found seats. A friend’s description of the venue pretty much proved true: outside, it looks like a skyscraper; when you first walk inside, it looks like someone’s dilapidated barn; when you get into the actual venue, it looks like a pretty decent place.
Stars – In Our Bedroom After the War
2007, Arts & Crafts International
Based around a male-female vocal duet and catchy beats, Stars have continued to release good Indie-pop albums, and In Our Bedroom After the War is no exception.
Review: Animal Collective; September 25, 2007 at the Cannery Ballroom; Nashville, TN
So I went to see the Animal Collective play again, this time in Nashville as opposed to Birmingham, which cut the drive in half.
But let me tell you something. I would have driven to Iceland to see these guys again. I’m typically a fairly cynical guy, but seeing these guys is almost a spiritual experience.
Review: Bob Dylan & Elvis Costello; Saturday, October 20, 2007; Bloomington, IL
Cross item number fourteen of my list of things to do before I die: I have seen Bob Dylan (number fifteen, touch Dylan, is still unaccomplished).