Category Archives: o&b

Time to Move & Shake at the Rumble

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Come Saturday, you’ll feel that familiar shake ‘neath your feet and think it’s happening again. But this time, it won’t be another e-quake (as far as I know); it’ll be the sound of people stampeding to Bar Pink for The Rumble.

If admission weren’t 100% free, I’d call The Rumble the “always sold-out” indie rock showcase that rolls into America’s Finest City every month. Since there’s no cover charge, I’ll just say it’s the indie rock event that has it all: free bands, the jockeying of discs, cheap booze, me…

This month’s featured artists include San Diego’s Maren Parusel and Drug Wars and L.A.’s Chasing Kings. Throw in local celebutante Seth Combs (spinning under the stage name DJ Meth Combz), and you’ve got yourself one hell of a happening. Get there reasonably early, steal a space at the bar, order some astoundingly inexpensive drinks, and have a blast. That’s what we do, anyway. Continue reading…