Here we are: a week and change out from the election, blinking through the nuclear fallout of America’s ugliest impulses. Some of us were shocked. Some of us were outraged. Some of us were smug. None of it really helps, but we perform these reactions anyway. What else is there to do?
We bring you a podcast each month, and in spite of the political calamity, we are still going to bring you a podcast. There’s no pretension in it that it might give you hope, that it might help you endure, or that it might let some crack of light into this American shadow.
Nor do we hope that it helps things return to “normal.” After millions of voters made the craven choice to elect a shameless, inexperienced, predatory bigot, it’s questionable how “normal” things were before. To cling to normalcy now disavows all the people who gaze at this new reality with uncertain dread. Make no mistake: this is not “normal.” We hope you never think it is.
Oh, and Leonard Cohen died.
But here is this podcast. It can’t do much, but maybe you will like it. Maybe that will be something, for just a moment. That might be all we’ve got right now.