On February 11, 2015, House of Blues was packed with a nostalgic crowd that eagerly anticipated sets from Motion City Soundtrack, Hellogoodbye, and Driver Friendly.
First up was Driver Friendly, a band that hailed from Austin, Texas, a fact of which they fervently reminded us through the act. Highlights of the set were a cover of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” and the group’s trumpet player, an unusual addition for a rock band.
Next up were Hellogoodbye, known for their constant lineup changes and their main face, Forrest Kline. Ever the performer, Kline bantered with the crowd and brought the most interesting set of the night. Crowd favorites were definitely “Here (In Your Arms)” and “Just Don’t Let Go Just Don’t.”
Of course, most of the night’s enthusiasm was well-deservedly saved for Motion City Soundtrack. Seasoned veterans, they played with the effortlessness of a band that has been around for awhile. Keyboardist Jesse Johnson was the most interesting to behold — he went for it all, flying about the keyboard and synths. Fans of Motion City Soundtrack were definitely not disappointed and, as the band had promised, were definitely going to commit the performance to memory.
Photos: Motion City Soundtrack at House of Blues San Diego
Photos: Hellogoodbye at House of Blues San Diego
Photos: Driver Friendly at House of Blues San Diego