As we await the arrival of 2012 (and with it some always-amusing apocalypse paranoia), it’s time to bid adieu to the beautiful mess that was 2011. For San Diegans, there are plenty of fun New Year’s Eve options to choose from, but none glow with quite so much wattage as the gala event planned at the Lafayette Hotel. A whopping eight acts will be on hand to help you ring in the new year, including Transfer, The Creepy Creeps, The Heavy Guilt, Hell on Heels Burlesque, Creepxotica, Low Volts, and The Visual Underground.
That lineup would be pretty amazing on its own, but we haven’t even mentioned the headliner: San Diego’s own The Silent Comedy. We can’t think of a better way to count down to midnight than raising a glass to a sweat-soaked, super-charged set of folk from the charismatic four-piece. Tickets for the sure-to-be-awesome event can be purchased here.
In anticipation of the show, we asked The Silent Comedy for a list of their New Year’s resolutions for 2012. You can check it out below.
Joshua Zimmerman (bass, vocals)
1. Make an effort to discover more new music. It’s easy to get in a rut with the music that I already love, but there’s so much great stuff being made all the time that I feel bad about not discovering more. I’ve been hearing things about this Canadian band lately…Nickelback? Maybe I should check them out in 2012.
2. Be less homeless.
3. Learn to play bass, guitar, and piano. I’ve gone years without doing it, and now is probably a good time to start.
4. Stop throwing my hat out at shows… That is starting to become a costly habit.
5. TOUR MORE!!!!
Jeremiah Zimmerman (keys, vocals)
1. Stop using emoticons in texts to male friends. ; )
2. Floss at least three times on tour.
3. Go to the gym even once. Just once next year. One time.
4. Drink less cheap alcohol and spend the same money on a better quality of alcohol.
5. Actually kill two birds with one stone.
6. Stop quoting Arrested Development at inappropriate moments.
Justin Buchanan (banjo)
1: Get roadcases for amps.
2: Stop being so anal about cable wrapping.
3: Learn to love LA.
Chad Lee (drums)
1. Stretch enough to touch my toes.
2. Practice rudiments more often.
3. Stop getting sucked into buying food at the Flying J.
4. Try to grow more facial hair.