By now, most people with a television set or a YouTube account have seen the Subaru commercial graced with Miss Erika Davies‘ lovely voice. But 30 seconds isn’t really long enough to appreciate the San Diego singer’s plentiful talents, so it’s a good thing she went and made a video for the whole song.
“I Love You, I Do” finds Davies taking a leisurely stroll through the woods on a summer day, the sun’s rays echoing the warmth of her vocals. The video was directed by (and features a cameo from) Gary Hankins of Scarlet Symphony and Shapes of Future Frames, who shot it “in a day with only a phone bandaged to a tape gun.”
The song is one of 14 gorgeous tracks from Davies’ stunning full-length debut, Galaxy Lakes, which was just nominated for Best Jazz Album at the San Diego Music Awards. You can (and should) order the album here.
While you’re waiting for the CD to ship, go check out Miss Erika Davies tonight at Soda Bar, along with Gayle Skidmore, Endoxi, and the headlining Astra Kelly, who is celebrating the release of her Timebomb EP. There will also be an art showing and sale featuring pieces by Davies, Skidmore, and Kelly, so don’t forget your wallet.