Given that our website is called Owl and Bear, we’re generally partial to any band whose name contains the word “Owl” (also “Bear,” and, to a lesser extent, “and”). So naturally our eyes perked up when we first came across Owl Eyes. But once we started listening to the San Diego band’s exotic mix of garage, indie, and folk, it was our ears that were doing the perking.
The four tracks of Owl Eyes’ 2010 EP, O RLY?, clock in at a breezy 10 minutes, but thanks to the band’s catchy hooks and assured execution, the small songs make a big impression. You can get a live dose of all the sonic goodness this Friday, December 10th, when the trio plays the Ruby Room. In anticipation of the show, Owl Eyes let us peek into their Poetic Memory. You can check out their influences below.
Christina Lucidi (keys/vocals):
“18 Wheels” by Murder City Devils: When I was a teenager, Leslie Hardy made me want to infiltrate the stupid boy’s club known as being in a band. They are still, to date, one of the best bands I have ever seen live.
“Night at the Knight School” by Thee More Shallows: These dudes are from the Bay Area and they are not given nearly enough credit. I’m really into the strange juxtaposition of the tinny hip hop/club snare hits and the super processed synths. I sound like I’m writing catalog descriptions for cheap instruments at guitar center that are going to break in under a year. If I ever do that again, please feel free to punch me in the forehead.
“Funnel of Love” by Wanda Jackson: This lady is a real badass. I found this single in a crate of records that belonged to my father’s mother. She passed away when he was young so I know virtually nothing about her but I got a pretty good sense of what she was like to hang out with
through her music.
Mike Helms (drums):
“Big Bad Mean Motherfucker” by Girls
“Sun Was High” by Best Coast
“Jail La La” by Dum Dum Girls
I chose these three songs based on my love for washed out lo-fi music and girls that rock and roll as hard as or harder than most dudes could. Helps ease away the feeling of crippling anxiety and makes me want to beat my drums harder! SHARKS EAT BLOOD!
Megan Liscomb (guitar/vocals):
“Chivalry” by Thao: I’m really big on singing in the car and Thao gets me going every time. I love how she can write a song about being kinda bummed that still shows her sense of humor and has a subtle sexiness about it.
“You Turn Me On” by Beat Happening: Beat Happening make me want to have impromptu dance parties all over the place. Other activities include: picnics, bonfires, ghost-hunting, night prowling, apple tree climbing, mailbox tipping, etc.
“Ping Pong Affair” by The Slits: I’m going through this really horrible period of mourning for Ari Up where I listen to “Cut” on repeat for days at a time. There’s no end in sight.
And finally:
The band as a whole would like to say, Wu Tang Clan ain’t nothing to fuck with.